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Best Source for Landscape Materials and Supplies in Ogden, UT

Whether you want high-quality soil for landscaping your back garden or you’re looking for a reliable, yet affordable, landscaping supply company to meet the demands of your growing business, Sandee’s Soil & Rock is the perfect solution! We’re proud to offer a huge selection of decorative landscaping materials and supplies for your convenience and our prices are as good as it gets. From sand and landscape bark to topsoil and concrete, we have everything you need to complete your project on time and on budget. Our friendly team is always happy to answer your questions or help you figure out how many cubic yards of landscape materials you’ll need for your next project, so don’t hesitate to ask! Simplifying your landscaping experience is what we do best, so give us a call today for a free quote!

Never compromise on quality

At Sandee’s Soil & Rock, we never cut corners when it comes to quality. Since a landscaping project is only as good as the products used to create it, we spend a great deal of time searching for sustainable sources for our materials that pass our rigid standards. We take a great deal of pride in our clean environment, and our considerate employees will always go above and beyond to ensure the absolute best results. You can count on the amazing team at Sandee’s Soil & Rock to provide you with a superior customer experience and the high-caliber services you deserve.

Extensive selection of everything from topsoil to concrete

Sandee’s Soil & Rock may have started out with only six products and one dump truck, but our family owned and operated business has grown into one of Ogden’s leading companies for landscape materials and supplies. We now offer more than 40 products, and we can help you save time and money by delivering your order directly to your home or business.

Our products and services include:

Serving Ogden residents and business owners since 2001

For over 15 years, Sandee’s Soil & Rock has been enhancing the beauty of the Ogden community “one yard” at a time by offering high-quality landscaping supplies at a great price. We put your complete customer satisfaction above all else, so you can rely on our professional team to take care of all your landscaping needs. Sandee’s Soil & Rock is in West Haven, UT, just one mile west of I-15 on S 1900 W and only four miles west of Ogden city center. Fill out our online form to find out more information about our landscaping materials and supplies or call to request a free quote today!

Give us a call today to request a free quote!


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